6 de nov. 2015

Board meetings should be the place and time to engage board members

Board meetings provide an opportunity to actively review a company’s performance, analyse business processes, and strategize for the future.

But board meetings can also be frustratingly disorganized at times, too frequent (or infrequent, depending on the company), and a waste of everyone’s time if they’re not run properly.

As a manager who spends lots of time preparing the board meetings you probably have to think about these simple questions:
  • Does everybody know all the meeting's annual calendar in advance?
  • Does everybody know the time they will have to spend in each meeting to avoid people leave it in advance?
  • Are you presenting a good metrics? Are they standardized?
  • Are the presentations always done in the same model specially the financial and performance reports
  • Are the discussions and the time spend in each item listed good enough?
Here there is an interesting article to read from Lisa Kay Salomon: "Designing Better Board Meetings: Securing Strategic Return on Time".

Acces to the article

Nat Farbman. The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images 1947. At Temple Public House, club members hold formal beer session. 