The Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration publishes in Gaceta Sanitaria its biennial SESPAS 2024 Report, which shows a series of artices analysing the current situation of the National Health System in terms of Human Resources.
- Human resources in the National Health System. Medical education. Felipe Rodríguez de Castro, Teresa Carrillo Díaz, Arcadi Gual i Sala, Jordi Palés Argullós
- Experiences in human resources planning for health: The case of physicians. Data and models. Patricia Barber Pérez, Beatriz González López-Valcárcel
- What do we know and what should we know about the imbalances of doctors in Spain? Diagnosis and proposals. Beatriz González López-Valcárcel, Patricia Barber Pérez
- Shortage of nurses in Spain: from the global case to particular situation. Paola Galbany-Estragués, Pere Millán-Martínez
- The challenges of human resources governance in public healthcare. Javier Hernández Pascual
Photo Jordi Soldevila. Homenatge a Toni Catany. Plats vells.
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