Teamworking is fundamental to the future of general practice. Practices are coming together at scale in primary care networks and new roles are being introduced, creating multidisciplinary and multi-agency teams. Making these teams function effectively is a complex task. King’s Fund published a guide with insights from research, policy analysis and leadership practice.
What are the fundamentals of effective teams?
- A small number of meaningful objectives
- Clear roles and responsibilities among team members
- Reflect on how the team is working together
- Introduce new roles into the teams
- Create a multidisciplinary team
- Ensure good communication within your teams.
- Effective information-sharing systems
- Re-design the physical space into shaered working spaces
- Clinical supervision
- Gather feedback from colleagues and patients
- Access to learning and development
- Give space for team members to talk about their experiences
Access Publication: Effective teams in General Practice (january 2020)
Merry christmas and happy new year 2021. Stay safe.