Josep M Lozano autor del Blog Persona Empresa i Societat i Àngel Castineira director de la Càtedra LideratgeS i Governança Democràtica ambdós professors d'ESADE, i a qui cal seguir de prop, van publicar un article molt actual a La Vanguardia el passat 7 de juny sobre Lideratge i Êtica Pública.
En l'article referenciaven el Llibre "Why Nations Fail" de , Killian Professor of Economics at MIT and , David Florence Professor of Government at Harvard University on es parla del concepte d'Institucions Extractives (provoquen ineficiència i corrupció, lligades a elits) i Institucions Inclusives (provoquen prosperitat i empoderen als seus professionals)
Un petit tros del llibre: "....What is common about the political revolutions that successfully paved the way for more inclusive institutions …is that they succeeded in empowering a fairly broad cross-section of society. Pluralism, the cornerstone of inclusive political institutions, requires political power to be widely held in society, and starting from extractive institutions that vest power in a narrow elite, this requires a process of empowerment...."
Accés al blog: WHY NATIONS FAIL
Michael Rougier—Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images. "Model camp" for Mexican farm workers near Fullerton, Calif., 1959
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