The report starts from the analysis of the key elements that have allowed Catalonia to become a pole of knowledge and talent in Europe over the last two decades, both in the scientific research carried out in the universities and in the research centers, large scientific infrastructures and scientific parks.
The report highlights the main strengths of the Catalan research system, in terms of scientific publication and the management of research projects and the training of research staff. It also values the capacity of the Catalan system for attracting Spanish and European competitive funds, and the fact that the research policies entrusted to 25 years have allowed Catalonia to be recognized internationally as a center for knowledge and talent.
The document also highlights five conditions in favor to the research ecosystem such as
- the approval of the National Pact for the Knowledge Society,
- the recovery in Catalonia de Department of Research and Universities,
- the European strategy of the European Green Deal,
- the Next Generation projects
- the future Catalan Science Law.
The report puts the attention to the measures that should be introduced into the knowledge system to guarantee the continuity of scientific quality indicators and the ability to attract competitive research funds:
- the increase public and private investment in R+D+I,
- support for the professional career of researchers
- improve in the field of transfer and innovation.
In the areas for improvement, the work points to the aging of the teaching and research staff, the difficulty for young people to start and consolidate a scientific career and the more than difficult reconciliation of family and work, which mainly affects female talent. The report is in favor of more internationalizing the workforce and encouraging the recruitment and retention of international talent.
In terms of funding, the report emphasizes the need to substantially increase public and private investment in R+D+I, currently below the European average indicators. The report also recommends the necessity to connect the research and innovation ecosystem (the universities, research centers, sicentific parks...) with industrial and technological companies.
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